Increasing Resiliency along the Lake Ontario Shoreline: Four Case Studies from the NYS REDI Program
Robert D. Klavoon, PE Senior Civil Engineer | Principal Wendel
Scott M. Rybarczyk, PE (NY, FL), LEED AP Senior Environmental Engineer | Associate Principal Wendel
Lake Ontario experienced record high water levels in both 2017 and 2019 which caused substantial damage to shoreline infrastructure. In response, NYS created the Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI) to improve the resiliency of shoreline communities and bolster economic development in the region. This presentation will focus on four projects currently being constructed in Niagara and Orleans Counties:
Lakeshore Road in Orleans County: Over 1600’ of shoreline stabilization is being constructed with a rock revetment, drainage improvements, and native plantings used to protect a county roadway and public waterline.
Orleans County Point Breeze Boat Launch: Under high water levels, the current docks were too short and the concrete abutment leading to the dock would become submerged, leading to launch closures. The reconfiguration of the new boat launch and dock system will allow for the boat launch to be used for up to a 6 foot elevation change in lake levels and mitigate the conditions that lead to these closures.
Village of Wilson Townline Pier: The existing pier was damaged by wave action and high water levels. It also becomes submerged under high water levels, creating a hazard for boat traffic in the area. This project includes pier repair and increasing the height of the pier.
Town of Carlton Lakeside Road West: High water levels eroded the only access road for three homes along Lakeside Road. The existing public waterline was also exposed by this erosion, A new access road and replacement waterline are being constructed along with a revetment to protect the new roadway and waterline.
For each of these four projects, the design process will be described along with a discussion of the permitting process and public participation in the development of the design. Construction will be complete by the time of the conference, so construction photos and lessons learned from construction and design of these projects will also be provided.
11:30 am - 12:00pm Registration
12:00 pm - 12:15pm Opening Remarks and Introductions
12:15 pm - 1:15pm Presentation